Cultural Concept

  Cultural Concept


  Corporate Mission: To establish the best platform to provide high-quality service and create extraordinary value through collecting information forces;

  Corporate Aspiration: To be a world-class comprehensive information service enterprise;

  Corporate Philosophy: To go far and smartly with collective wisdom;

  Corporate Soul: Self-improvement, professionalism, teamwork, and integrity

  Slogan for Corporate Image: Create value with information

  Business Philosophy: Putting information security first, winning customers with services, and creating values with information.

  Putting information security first: The foundation of an information service enterprise is to ensure the information security. With the goal to achieve the continuance of information security, TravelSky always puts information security in the first place, protects national information security, promotes industry development, and protects customers’ interests.

  Winning customers with service: The service quality can directly affect our customers’ opinions on TravelSky. It will also have an impact on the company’s reputation. It takes a long time to provide a good service with continuous improvement of service mode and service consciousness. That’s how we can win customers and stabilize the market.

  Creating values with information: By providing information products and services to customers, TravelSky let them store, protect, optimize and use a large quantity of growing information resources in the most cost-effective way. By doing this, TravelSky can help them expand business, and improve services quality and operational efficiency.

Company profile    
Incorporated in october,2002,China TravelSky Holding Company is a national enterprise under State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
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